What is the significant impact of accounting on small businesses?

When we start a business, we invest capital. The motive behind running a business is revenue, and all the people who together run a business are dependent on their salary that comes from sales. The above lines make it very clear that finance inside a business plays a very functional role that further paves the… Continue reading What is the significant impact of accounting on small businesses?

Understanding Ethics in Accounting and Auditing

An unethical success is no success; an unethical growth is only degradation; an unethical idea is just a waste of time.  Real success and growth always stand on the basis of ethics. When things land onto accounting ethics, it becomes more about the accountants who are the key operators of financial information of various organisations,… Continue reading Understanding Ethics in Accounting and Auditing

Improved Cash Flow: 3 Accounts receivable practices to avoid

Business growth is resultant of accelerated operational efficiency and improved working capital. Very often, when businesses run short of cash, it isn’t because the company is running short of it, but the amount stuck in the balance sheet. This results in businesses falling short of achieving their goals and reaching efficiency targets.  Accounts receivable play… Continue reading Improved Cash Flow: 3 Accounts receivable practices to avoid

Effective ways to reduce operational costs in your business

Whatever is your business’s financial position, or whatever kind of circumstance it is dealing in, an initiative to reduce operational cost can never be a bad idea! Operating costs in corporate accounting for small businesses have a significant presence. As a business owner, if you have been looking for ways to save some extra penny… Continue reading Effective ways to reduce operational costs in your business

Difference between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure

Within corporate accounting for small businesses, expenditure and income are part of everyday activity. But, do you know that business expenses are categorised differently. In any business accounting and finance, four things occupy major attention that is mentioned as follows: Capital: The sum that goes into the business as owner’s investment, the interest of which… Continue reading Difference between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure

Best accounting practices for online businesses

Shifting the business to the virtual platform was a popular trend that was given a significant boost when the pandemic hit the world. Many businesses that were initially e-commerce based didn’t have much of an impact except for the shift in supply and demand curves, which is more like an economic shift. However, firms that… Continue reading Best accounting practices for online businesses

How to get paid on time? Tips for accounts receivable

Every small business accounting service is in diligent need of schemes that would allow businesses to get paid on time! When the payments are made adequately on time, it ensures better financial management and money flow. There are many ways in which companies can boost their payment processes to ensure stable financial management. It becomes… Continue reading How to get paid on time? Tips for accounts receivable

Listing the Advantages That Come With a Right Approach Towards Tax Compliance

Complying with the tax law is equally important for corporate accounting for small businesses as compared to big enterprises and multinational corporations. Taxation is not just about paying for the cost of existing as a revenue-generating body; it is also about doing it in a precisely elaborated manner designed by the authorities. Taxation and all the rules… Continue reading Listing the Advantages That Come With a Right Approach Towards Tax Compliance

Tax compliance: Transferring Thrust to Business Enabler

Wise thoughts say that one of the most certain happenings in the world is taxes besides death. Corporate accounting for small businesses always requires a defined comprehension of tax compliances. As everything, including accounting, is shifting to the digital platform, so should tax compliance in a strategic business due to increased continuous obligations and the urge for… Continue reading Tax compliance: Transferring Thrust to Business Enabler

UK Corporate Tax Compliance: Our helping hand towards your stable business finance structure

Corporate accounting for small businesses needs to ensure that they are paying the right tax at the correct timing, keeping up efficiently with the country’s tax rules. It is essential to comply with the tax rules of all the countries where you operate as perceived ‘avoidance’ could land you under fire FindBridge services ensure that your… Continue reading UK Corporate Tax Compliance: Our helping hand towards your stable business finance structure

Cryptocurrency as Intangible Asset

The inclusion of cryptocurrency in corporate accounting for small businesses is significant and real in the current scenario. “An identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance. Such an asset is identifiable when: It is separable, i.e., capable of being separated or divided from the entity and sold, transferred, licensed, rented or exchanged, either individually or together with a… Continue reading Cryptocurrency as Intangible Asset

What is your accounting and finance function’s total cost of ownership?

Corporate accounting for small businesses involves a lot of required check-ups and interpretations. As an entrepreneur or senior supervisory group member, you understand that weighing multiple possibilities against a given requirement or arrangement is a valuable skill. Suppose you’re thinking about buying anything or getting services from a seller. In that case, you’ll probably receive around… Continue reading What is your accounting and finance function’s total cost of ownership?