Accounting issues: Hindering the growth & success of small businesses

running your small business accounting services

Marketing, hiring, payroll, accounting, sales and more-you have to don many hats while running your small business accounting services. The list of tasks that a small and medium business owner is supposed to do in any given working day is endless. Staying on top of their finances is something non-negotiable for them, which often turns into a challenging task due to the heavy workload they have at hand.

It might even be that you don’t enjoy accounting at all, which just adds another layer of frustration to your daily finance tasks such as bookkeeping. However, despite all the efforts and hard work, business owners still find themselves facing accounting issues that bring down their company’s growth and might even cause critical financial threats. Here are a few accounting problems that small and medium businesses commonly face that need extra attention and effort.


Budget Management

Efficient operations in a business are highly dependent on optimal budget management. Its absence can often cause financial turmoil in a company and pose a potential threat of business failure. There is no way around budgeting for any business if they want to keep expenses and a continuous flow of funds covered. Having your business goals aligned with the resources available such as the total costs, operations and more with your budget limitations, can help with having it in control.

Nonoptimal Cash Flow Management

Growth for any small business requires investment and better management of liquidity, as cash flow is that one factor that decides the survival of a business. Managing your balance payments and accounts receivable is impossible without an organized cash flow, allowing a business owner to remain up-to-date with the total amount of cash available. Large upfront expenses can affect the cash flow of any small business, especially in the case of bigger purchases, which eventually might cause inevitable financial troubles in your company regarding its sustenance. Hence, the accounting outsourcing companies can create a balance in all these tensing situations.

Payroll Management

Payroll is a much-dreaded issue that small business owners face that massively impacts their decisions of growing a team. The major difficulties related to payroll include employee tracking, compliance management, administrative tasks, overdue or under due payments, faulty tax filing, which all can become too much at some point for a small or medium business. Not knowing about the tax codes and the extensive to-do lists associated with payroll are other challenges that add to the difficulty.

Tax Returns

The word ‘tax’ is enough to get the head of any business owner spinning. While it is essential for any business, big or small, to manage its tax returns optimally, it becomes incredibly challenging for smaller firms to keep up with the same without prior knowledge. Business owners might find themselves struggling with calculating their tax returns and timely filing on top of the other tasks they need to do in their business. Also, ensuring savings through tax deductions is another crucial aspect of taxes that small businesses can’t afford to lose out on to remain competitive. All of this becomes overwhelming for small business owners who either end up overpaying or underpaying taxes and sometimes even racking up fines and interest charges due to missing deadlines.


FinBridge provides solutions to the accounting woes of small and medium business owners in the UK who find themselves stuck with their bookkeeping, cash flow management, financial planning, budgeting, tax filing and more. Our expert team consisting of accredited professionals ensures that you have all the support you need to get your finances on track, whether it be related to payroll, VAT or any other accounting function. If your business accounting and tax services have become too much to handle for you, then you can contact us for our expert assistance.